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The Department of Housing Services wants to help homeless US Military Veterans obtain, and retain,
permanent housing. To help us meet this goal, we now offer rental assistance through a unique new program
called VASH. The HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (VASH) provides rental assistance vouchers
specifically targeted to homeless veterans. Public housing authorities such as ours, work closely with
Veteran Affairs Centers to manage the program. In addition to the rental assistance, VA Health Care for
Homeless Veterans Centers provides supportive services and case management to eligible homeless veterans.
The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority (SNRHA) has received an award for 630 VASH vouchers during
the last seven years to serve homeless veteran households. If you are a homeless veteran, we encourage you
to consider enrolling in this program by contacting our local Veteran Office at (702) 791-9077. Be advised
you cannot apply directly with the Housing Authority. All applicants must be referred by the Veteran's
Administration staff.
The household must be homeless and include at least one US Military Veteran. Single persons, couples, and
families with children are eligible to apply and MUST be referred to the Housing Authority by VA staff.
Other eligibility criteria:
Income: Total household income must not be more than 50% of the Area Median Income (also
called "Very Low Income"). See a complete listing of the Very Low Income limits here, see SNRHA income limits
Homeless: The household must lack a fixed, regular, night time residence, or be residing in
a emergency shelter, or be residing in a place not meant for habitation (such as a car, tent, abandoned
building, or substandard housing that does not provide adequate shelter). Homelessness must be verified by a
third party, such as a social service agency, Veterans Services Officer, or other knowledgeable
Engagement with Services: The Veteran must be willing to engage in services from the
Department of Veterans Affairs, through the VA Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) Department
located at 4461 E Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104. The phone number is: (702) 791-9077.
Criminal background check: Sex offenders subject to lifetime registration are not eligible
for this program. There are no other criminal background criteria for the VASH program.
To Apply for the HUD-VASH Program:
Go to the Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) Veterans Office located at 4461 E Charleston Blvd,
Las Vegas, NV 89104. VA staff will assist you with the application and determine initial eligibility for a
referral to the Housing authority. Please bring a copy of your DD 214 (preferable) or other ID. If you do
not have your DD 214 or other ID, staff at the VA will assist you in obtaining these documents and all other
information that you will need.
At the CRRC Community Center, ask for a Social Worker, who will then provide consultation and whatever
additional resources are available. If it appears you are eligible for the VASH program, you will be
referred to the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority for screening.