“Welcome to A New Beginning for Marble Manor residents, the Historic Westside, and the people who live, work, and play in our evolving neighborhood. We are excited to work with our partners to revitalize housing, empower our residents to self-sufficiency, and build a future place where everyone can thrive.”
— Lewis Jordan, Executive Director, Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority
The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority (SNRHA), in partnership with the city of Las Vegas, was awarded a $50 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to redevelop Marble Manor.

Goals and Objectives
CNI focuses on three main objectives: Housing. People. Neighborhood.
People: Provide wrap-around support for current families to increase access to healthcare, improve educational outcomes, and encourage intergenerational mobility to ensure families thrive.
Housing: Replace distressed public and assisted housing with high-quality, mixed-income housing that is well-managed and responsive to the neighborhood's needs. Marble Manor residents in good standing have the choice to return to a revitalized home if they wish to move back into the newly constructed housing development. Their assigned trained relocation specialists will guide them through the entire process. The Choice Neighborhood team is actively leading the effort to provide support and counsel to Marble Manor residents.
Neighborhood: Create the conditions necessary for public and private reinvestment in distressed communities by offering amenities and assets that are helpful to families choices, such as safety, high-performing schools, and commercial activity. SNRHA is working with the city of Las Vegas and surrounding community partners to align with current developments that promote economic growth and an emerging quality of life.
SNRHA grant partners:
- Housing Partner: Brinshore Development
- People Partners: Lutheran Social Services of Southern Nevada & Revival Development Services
- Neighborhood Partner: City of Las Vegas
CNI Phasing Plan
The redevelopment of Marble Manor will take place in five phases over the next eight years. Throughout this process, current residents will receive comprehensive support from our community partners, Lutheran Social Services of Southern Nevada (LSSN), and our relocation specialists, Revival Development Services.
These partners will help ensure that residents have the assistance they need every step of the way.
The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) provides extensive support for residents who need to relocate as part of the redevelopment of Marble Manor, as long as they are in good standing with their lease.
Here is how the support works:
- Relocation Assistance: Every household will receive help finding a new home and moving at no cost.
- Housing Vouchers: Some households may qualify for a housing voucher, allowing them to keep paying the same rent as before, as long as their income has not changed.
- Priority for New Housing: Residents who are in compliance with their lease and any agreements with SNRHA will have the option to move into one of the new homes once they are ready.
They will be among the first to return to the redeveloped community if they choose to.
The table below outlines the relocation schedule, demolition, construction timeline, and the number and size of new units. There will be a one-to-one replacement of units for current residents, meaning that for every existing unit, a new unit will be built. Of the new units, only 22% will have no rent restrictions.
The rest of the units are designated to the SNRHA voucher program. This approach guarantees that the redeveloped community stays affordable for current residents and working families, preventing displacement while improving the overall quality.
The Timeline

Select Tab to see each phase:
Addresses in Phase:
801-807 Washington
815-812 H Street
814-820 I Street
800-918 McWilliams
800-922 Gerson
808-814 Grant
915-921 Morgan
Relocation: January 2nd, 2025 - May 29th, 2025
Construction: June 1st, 2025 - March 2027
Current Units: 53
Unit Mix by Income Qualification:
Replace Units: 53
LIHTC Units1: 55
Unrestricted Units2: 30
Total Units: 138
Bedroom Mix Per Phase:
1-BR: 43
2-BR: 62
3-BR: 25
4-BR: 7
5-BR: 1
Total: 138
Addresses in Phase:
925-927 I Street
809-815 Grant
903-929; 1101-1114 Washington
904-1114; 1115-1119 Morgan
836-840; 816-820 J Street
816-823 Levy
Relocation: April 2025 - July 2025
Construction: June 2025 - October 2027
Current Units: 46
Unit Mix by Income Qualification:
Replace Units: 46
LIHTC Units1: 46
Unrestricted Units2: 28
Total Units: 120
Bedroom Mix Per Phase:
1-BR: 34
2-BR: 48
3-BR: 26
4-BR: 11
5-BR: 1
Total: 120
Addresses in Phase:
921-922 McWilliams
804-807 Grant
800-815 Levy
921-922 Gerson
800-815 J Street
Relocation: October 2026 - January 2027
Construction: July 2027 - April 2029
Current Units: 39
Unit Mix by Income Qualification:
Replace Units: 39
LIHTC Units1: 42
Unrestricted Units2: 22
Total Units: 103
Bedroom Mix Per Phase:
1-BR: 29
2-BR: 44
3-BR: 23
4-BR: 5
5-BR: 2
Total: 103
Addresses in Phase:
801-839 J Street
800-1227 Reed
1209-1225 Washington
1215-1233 Down
1216-1232 McWilliams
Relocation: April 2028 - July 2028
Construction: October 2028 - October 2030
Current Units: 60
Unit Mix by Income Qualification:
Replace Units: 60
LIHTC Units1: 65
Unrestricted Units2: 35
Total Units: 160
Bedroom Mix Per Phase:
1-BR: 50
2-BR: 74
3-BR: 24
4-BR: 11
5-BR: 1
Total: 160
Addresses in Phase:
817-833 Down
1300-1314 McWilliams
1301-1325 Washington
804-817 M Street
800-828 N Street
Relocation: July 2029 - October 2029
Construction: January 2030 - January 2032
Current Units: 37
Unit Mix by Income Qualification:
Replace Units: 37
LIHTC Units1: 46
Unrestricted Units2: 23
Total Units: 106
Bedroom Mix Per Phase:
1-BR: 27
2-BR: 46
3-BR: 27
4-BR: 4
5-BR: 2
Total: 106
Notes: Dates are based on a calendar year. This table provides information on the redevelopment schedule as of 12/4/2024. Construction schedules are often unpredictable, and the dates are subject to change.
1 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Units (LIHTC)
2 Unrestricted is a unit with no household income restrictions; the rental rate can be set at what the market can bear based on appropriate comps for similar units in the area.
News & Media

FOX 5: Residents in aging Las Vegas public housing get help moving, finding new homes
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Residents in an aging Las Vegas public housing complex will get all moving expenses paid for, help in the search for new housing, and a right to return to a brand-new complex in the Historic Westside.

2/22/2025 Obodo Grocery Store Opening:
We’re proud to announce the GRAND OPENING of Obodo Grocer, a community-driven corner store offering fresh, local produce and essential goods right in the heart of the Historic Westside! This space represents more than just a grocery store—it’s a step toward food sovereignty, health equity, and community resilience.
Join us for the celebration!
Date: Saturday February 22, 2025
Location: Obodo Grocer 1300 C St
Time: 9 am -12pm

2/24/2022 KCLV Channel 2 Update:
Marble Manor Goes for Inclusive Growth Plan With Money From Neighborhood Planning Grant.

2/24/2023 Fox 5 News Update:
Fox 5 News Reports on the Historic Westside, a community that was founded in 1905 and more commonly referred to as “west of the railroad tracks.”

7/24/2023 CNI Early Action Activity:
The Obodo Urban Farm is under development at C Street & Monroe Ave.
CNI Events
Resources, Materials and Presentations

5/25/2023 Draft-Transformation-Plan:
A New Beginning. Agenda includes: Planning Process, The Future of the Marble Manor Site, Beyond Housing – Neighborhood & People Principles, Early Action Activity Update, Next Steps.

4/12/2023 Draft-Plan-Framework-Presentation:
Marble Manor/Historic Westside Choice Neighborhoods Planning. Includes: The Planning Process So Far, The Future of the Marble Manor Site, Beyond Housing – Neighborhood & People Principles, Early Action Activity Update, What’s Next?, Join the Conversation!

11/11/2022 Design-Studio-Presentation:
Marble Manor Emerging Physical Plan including: The Planning Process, The Future of the Marble Manor Site, Early Action Activities, People, What’s Next, Joining the Conversation!

10/31/2022 Supportive-Services-and-Community-Safety-Meeting-Presentation:
Supportive Services and Community Safety Presentation includes: Welcome and Introductions, Status of Planning Process/Upcoming Meetings, What have we heard from Marble Manor residents, Discussion of Supportive Services, and Discussion of Community Safety.

7/19/2022 MM-Resident-Survey-Resident-Meeting-Presentation:
Resident Survey Presentation includes: Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Overview, Target Housing Site and Neighborhood, Planning Framework, Timeline and Early Action Activities, Marble Manor Resident Survey Highlights, Upcoming Meetings, and Q & A.

7/19/2022 MM-Resident-Survey-Existing-Conditions-Breakdowns:
Analysis of the existing conditions of Marble Manor including: Income, Employment, Youth, Education, Health, Special Needs, etc

9/2/2021 HUD Article:
Would you like to learn more on the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) CNI program? See HUD article “Choice Neighborhoods: HUD Grants for People & Places”. The article is located on the National League of Cities (NLC) Website.

7/20/2021 MM-Resident-Survey-Public-Meeting-Presentation:
Community Meeting #1: A Needs Assessment and Why we are here. Also includes: Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Overview, Target Housing Site and Neighborhood, Planning Framework, Timeline and Early Action Activities, Group Exercise: Data Walk and Discussion, Wrap-up and Next Steps.
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization of neighborhoods, which focus on directing resources to address three core goals:
- Housing - Replace distressed public and assisted housing with high-quality mixed-income housing that is well-managed and responsive to the needs of the surrounding neighborhood.
- People - Improve educational outcomes and intergenerational mobility for youth and families in the neighborhood.
- Neighborhoods - Create the conditions necessary for public and private investment in distressed neighborhoods.
SNRHA in partnership with the city of Las Vegas and other regional partners collaborated to submit a CNI Planning and Action Grant Application in 2021.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the partnership a Transformation Grant in November 2021.
- The group began preparing an implementation plan in October 2023 and submitted a CNI Implementation Application in February 2024.
Redevelopment is happening in phases. Each resident will get a written notice telling them when their relocation will take place.
Redevelopment will be happening in late 2024 or early 2025.
Once construction is complete, every resident currently at the site has the right to return at their discretion, as long as they stay compliant with their lease.
Residents will get the same type of unit that they currently qualify for. The old buildings are being replaced by brand new developments. For example, if they currently qualify for a three-bedroom unit, they will return to a brand new three-bedroom unit.
DO NOT TRANSFER before the formal relocation. You may impact the benefits and services you’re eligible to receive. Don’t do anything until you receive your official notice AND meet with your relocation specialist. Stay put and comply with your current lease to ensure you get everything you’re entitled to receive.
No. Tenants do not need to pay for any relocation services. Stay put and comply with your current lease to ensure you get everything you’re entitled to receive.