The Resident Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency and Empowerment (ROSE) Foundation exists to provide supportive services to residents of SNRHA. ROSE was incorporated in December 2000 and became recognized as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit by the IRS June 11, 2001.
What the Foundation Offers
Through the receipt of charitable donations, the Foundation provides a variety of supportive services and activities for resident families of the SNRHA that may not be covered by agency funding. The service activities are deemed essential for residents, as they facilitate economic advantages, as well as provide access to skills training and other resources necessary to obtain gainful employment. Service activities include job training, job development, and business development through education, job skills training, transportation, and life skills training.
The Foundation also provides supportive services to senior residents of the SNRHA, which may foster independence while enriching the lives of seniors by providing senior citizens with a safe living environment that includes medical equipment, emergency house cleaning and emergency food, as needed.

The Foundation, in conjunction with the SNRHA, has a staff of highly qualified personnel. In addition, the Foundation has established strong community partnerships, many of which offer a variety of services for the purpose of augmenting the services offered to all residents of the SNRHA.
The Foundation has years of experience managing a number of diverse grants ranging from federal, state, and local government, as well as private funding sources. The scope of services these grants provided included the full range of resident supportive services encompassing senior service activities, self-sufficiency and economic development programs.

The Foundation has identified four (4) major objectives to accomplish:
- Market the ROSE Foundation to create awareness.
- Develop successful fundraising events to increase revenue base.
- Provide comprehensive supportive services that will allow seniors to age in their own homes.
- Provide school age children with quality tutorial programs that will increase academic levels.

Our Mission
"To assist the clients of Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority (SNRHA) to develop and achieve their full potential as they transition toward self-sufficiency."

Our Vision
"To be an innovative and effective developer and provider of Resident (Client) Services by promoting and offering diverse programs."
Since its inception, the ROSE Foundation has moved steadily toward fulfilling the vision through its wide array of providing approaches for diverse services. The ROSE Foundation is committed to working together to build better communities. As such, the ROSE Foundation desires that all residents feel they are part of the community. In response, the ROSE Foundation is focused on bringing services on site and providing easier access to services that will enhance the quality of life for residents.

Our Purpose
“is to improve quality of life; promote client development to pursue their full potential in becoming self-sufficient and to provide opportunities for seniors to age in place by identifying and addressing gaps in client services.”
To find out more about the Rose Foundation contact Supportive Services at (702) 477-3180.
Family Services include, but are not limited to:
- Homeownership
- Family Self-Sufficiency Services
- Tutorial Project
- Prevention Programs
- Domestic Violence Assistance
- Back to School Programs
- Health Information
- Parenting Classes
Senior Services include, but are not limited to:
- Domestic Violence Assistance
- Health Information and Health Fairs
- Emergency Food and Utilities Program
- Emergency Home Cleaning
- Advocacy Services