SCAM Alert! Impersonation Scams..
The Scam: The SNRHA is alerting you to a scam. Please be aware of any emails, text messages, or messages via social media, or on the website that says it's from the SNRHA with the below information; This is not from SNRHA.
I am reaching out to significant news regarding the unit at_____. The landlord for this unit ____ submitted all documents to expedite your tenancy. He determined that you, (your name), is a suitable tenant for this property.
Pre-Lease Agreement Form.
Uncompleted paperwork
Proof of Ownership
I won't be available in the office for a couple of days or weeks, but I will be expecting you to come to the office on the that of my return to sign some documents to start with the inspection process. The landlord also requested an immediate deposit from the approved applicant to take full possession of the property. Once you pay the security deposit, you are bound to the property and the landlord will send you a receipt. Forward the receipt to me here because this landlord is a registered and verified landlord. Rest assured, the deposit will be refunded to you by HRA after inspection.
Please note that if you can't provide a deposit to the landlord, this process, will be automatically Abort/decline. You know how hard it is to see Landlords renting to voucher holders lately.
SNRHA Staff Member
Click to View Notice.
Who To Contact:
Call your assigned case worker directly if you have concerns or need to talk to SNRHA. If you do not know your assigned caseworker, you can contact the SNRHA Call Center at 702-477-3100.
Report scammers to the Nevada Attorney General's Office in one of the following ways: (1) Website: (2) Email: or (3)Telephone (702) 486-3420
Report scammers to the Federal Trade Commission: Website:
Contact the local law enforcement agency (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department): Address: 400 S. MLK Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, 89106. Telephone: (702) 828-3111.